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Interested in attending a Job Corps campus? 

To qualify for Job Corps, you must:

Be at least 16 and not yet 25 years of age at the time of enrollment.
Be a U.S. citizen, U.S. national, permanent resident alien, or other alien who is authorized to accept permanent employment in the United States.
Have limited financial resources.
Have signed consent from your parent or guardian if you are a minor.
Be free of behavior problems that would prohibit you or others from benefiting from the program; must be free of face-to-face court or institutional supervision or court- imposed fines while in Job Corps.
Be drug-free and free of any health condition that could represent a serious hazard to yourself or others or require costly treatment.
Must be in need of further vocational training, education or support services in order to participate successfully in the work world.
Have a child care plan if you have a dependent child.
Show commitment and capability to participate successfully in Job Corps and gain the benefits of the program.